

iduuidTechnischer Identifikator des Konzepts.
identifierZeichenketteBei der Erfassung manuell gesetzter Identifikator des Konzepts
versionZeichenketteManuell gesetzte Versionsnummer des Konzepts
nameZeichenkette multilingualName des Konzepts
descriptionZeichenkette multilingualBeschreibung des Konzepts
conceptTypeZeichenketteDer Typ des Konzepts – entweder undefined, string, numeric, date oder codelist. Der Typ definiert, welche Attribute zwingend nötig sind und bei der Eingabe eingetragen werden müssen. Und er definiert, welche Attribute bei einer API-Abfrage zurückgegeben werden.
codelistEntryValueMaxLengthGanzzahlNur bei Konzepten des Typs Codeliste. Diese Angabe beschreibt, wie viele Zeichen jeder einzelne Eintrag einer Codeliste maximal haben darf.
codeListEntryValueTypecodeListEntryValueTypeOnly for concepts of type codelist. Codelist entries can be either of type string or numeric. The codelist entry type defines what type of characters are allowed for the code of the codelist entry.
maxLengthintegerOnly for concepts of type string. Contains the maximum number of carachters allowed for data described by this concept.
maxValueintegerOnly for concepts of type numeric. Contains the maximum value allowed for data described by this concept.
measurementUnitstringContains the measurements unit for data described by this concept.
minLengthintegerOnly for concepts of type string. Contains the minimum number of carachters allowed for data described by this concept.
minValueintegerOnly for concepts of type numeric. Contains the minimum value allowed for data described by this concept.
nbDecimalintegerOnly for concepts of type numeric. Contains the allowed number of decimals allowed for data described by this concept.
patternstringOnly for concepts of type string, numeric and date. Contains the regex pattern allowed for data described by this concept.
validFromtimestampContains the date from which this concept is valid for using.
validTotimestampContains the date to which this concept is valid for using.
publisherAPI_AgencyIdentifies the organisation publishing this concept.
codeListEntriesAPI_CodelistentryOnly for concepts of type codelist. Contains the codelist entries that can be used with this concept.
codestringIdentifier of the codelistentry. Has to be unique within a codelist.
namemultilanguagestringName of the codelistentry, is isually the information displayed to identify the meaning of the codelistentry.
descriptionmultilanguagestringDescription of the codelistentry, contains more information regarding the meaning of the codelistentry that would be too long to include in the name.
parentCodestringContains the optional parent code within the codelist, if the codelitentries are organised hierarchichally.
annotationsAPI_AnnotationContains optional annotation related to the codelistentry.
identifierstringIdentifier of the annotation. Annotations allow to attach additional structured information to an object.
typestringAnnotation type
textmultilanguagestringAnnotation text
titlestringAnnotation title
uristringAnnotation URI
identifierstringIdentifier of the agency
namemultilanguagestringName of the agency