
Multiple use of administrative data is possible if it is known who owns which data sets. In addition, the data must be harmonised. All agencies should work with the same categories and code lists – for instance, by using the same lists of commune names or occupational titles. Good cooperation is essential for successful harmonisation. For example, it must be agreed which organisation is responsible for which code list. All other organisations should not revise the list themselves but take it on from the responsible organisation.

This is exactly what I14Y makes possible: in addition to descriptive metadata, the platform contains structural metadata. These describe the individual elements of a data set. Each element is based on a clearly defined concept, for example a code list. The concepts only need to be registered once by the responsible body. Other organisations adopt them to describe their structural metadata.

In this way, different authorities benefit from each other’s work. It also makes it possible, for example, for a private survey institute to use the same categories or expressions that a government agency uses. This eliminates the need for subsequent harmonisation and in many cases improves the quality of the data.

In this way, I14Y helps to semantically harmonise the Swiss data ecosystem. The metadata – especially the code lists – can be retrieved automatically via electronic interfaces (APIs). This makes it possible to connect the platform to any systems and applications.

A directory of e-government services such as web applications and apps will also be available on I14Y. This will provide an overview of the services offered by the public administration and facilitates the dialogue between service providers and users.

The platform is developed and operated by the Interoperability Office (IOS) in the Interoperability and Registers Division (IOR) of the Federal Statistical Office. The operation of the platform is regulated by law in the Federal Act on the Use of Electronic Means to Conduct the Tasks of the Authorities (EMBAG).

Statutory basis
Art. 14 Interoperability Platform

  1. The Federal Statistical Office shall operate a public platform on the internet whereby the following information is easily accessible in electronic form, either directly or by referencing:

    a. the metadata of the Federal Administration’s structured electronic data files, including the metadata of Open Government Data in accordance with Article 10;

    b. a directory of the interfaces in accordance with Article 13 and the information necessary for their use, provided that information security is not threatened;

    c. an overview of the authorities’ services that are electronically available.

  2. The Federal Council shall regulate which metadata are to be published. It may authorise the Federal Statistical Office to regulate the form of the metadata in agreement with the Federal Chancellery.

  3. The cantons may make their metadata, interfaces and applications accessible on the platform under the conditions of Article 11 paragraphs 3 and 4.

I14Y has been available since summer 2021 and is being continuously developed. It is primarily intended for the Confederation, the cantons and the communes as well as for the research community. Since the Administration and companies work closely together, it is also open to companies. Publicly published content can also be viewed and used by companies and citizens.