Sometimes things don’t work out as expected. If you experience any issues when working with I14Y, please proceed as follows:
Consult the manual: The manual documents the most important functions of the platform. And it contains answers to most common questions. If information is missing, the interoperability office would be grateful for a note. You are also welcome to add the relevant sections yourself and submit a pull request on Github.
Support level 1: If you cannot solve the problem with the help of the manual, contact the I14Y support of your own organisation. Usually, I14Y partners provide their own support organisation. This can solve simpler problems. If you belong to an organisation with its own I14Y support, problems must first be reported to the internal support department.
Support Level 2: The second point of contact is the Interoperability Centre. It can be reached on working days by email at; a ticketing system is to be implemented in a later phase. The Interoperability Body processes non-time-critical enquiries to the best of its ability within the scope of the organisational, financial, personnel and technical resources available to it (best effort). Time-critical enquiries are handled under the point process for serious technical faults.
Support level 3: Enquiries and problems with a technical focus that cannot be answered or solved by the interoperability office are sent to the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication (FOITT). These messages must be sent by the interoperability office. The interoperability office coordinates the work required to restore normal operations.
Process for serious technical faults
A serious technical fault is an incident that severely restricts normal work on the platform for an unreasonably long period of time or even makes it impossible. If a serious technical fault appears to be occurring, the users affected report to the technical support of their organisation. If, in their opinion, it is a serious fault, they report the problem to the interoperability unit.
The Interoperability Unit will assess whether the technical fault is serious. If it classifies the incident as serious, it will provide an initial assessment of the problem within one working day. It will also indicate how the fault is to be rectified. The interoperability unit ensures appropriate communication with the management of the organisations affected by the disruption, provided that the basic IT systems are working. The email address provided by the organisation is used for this purpose.